We can learn about our Creator by studying His beautiful creation, just like by studying a painting or a book, we can learn about the painter or author. With Bortle Class 3 Dark Skies, Central New York is ideal for stargazing, and The Beardslee Homestead is especially suited. Except for remote skies in the West or over the ocean, you will not have seen the Milky Way like from The Beardslee Homestead.
We have built a third floor observatory that opens to a 360 degree view of the night sky unobstructed except by the low-lying surrounding hills. Use the Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and accompanying computer and stacking software to view and photograph the planets and stars. Use the latest-technology Vespera Astrophotographic equipment to take stunning pictures of galaxies, nebula, star clusters, and more.
Of course, you may choose simply to sleep under the planets, stars, galaxies, and nebulae and count the meteors! It is an incredible experience.